
director's cut

Fade from black to 5:45 a.m.
Camera and action before the lights.
Caught in the frame a hand moves to
Snooze. Cut to 7:00 a.m.

Reflection caught in a bathroom mirror
And images of brushing teeth and bed head hair
And all that stuff that happens in Scene 1.
Then comes walking into the shot that waits
As he goes to class. Play something happy here.

Studiously taking notes in class
Of the girl across the room of course.
What else would this be about?
Make her beautiful. Aren’t they all?
He singles this one out.

We see her through his eyes
Or over his shoulder so we know he watches too.
She catches his gaze. Love at first sight.
How extraordinary, like the professor’s
Interruption of his dancing daylight dream.

Dancing daylight dreams and love at first sight:
How poetic.
Isn’t it all?
It’s supposed to be, remember.
Cut to afternoon.

Lots of action in the background now.
Frisbees and studying underneath springtime leaves
and diegetic sound from someone’s own CD.
He walks down a path. Alone.
We want empathy… and hope.

That’s good for today.

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